Saturday, December 13, 2008

St. Lucia Day


So today was St. Lucia's Day and I had a bunch of things planned to celebrate. I was really excited. Unfortunately life interfered again. Mike is working nights and came home red eyed and sleepy. Charlie was up early. Really, really early.

So, while we didn't do more than read the story of St. Lucy, I do plan or trying again tomorrow.

Lighted Wreath - Legend tells that St. Lucia wore an evergreen wreath of candles upon her head as she ministered to the poor and persecuted.

Making Braided Sweet Rolls - Traditionally the oldest girl wakes up early and serves the other family members breakfast in bed.

1 comment:

  1. Some year, I hope to be more adventurous and celebrate St. Lucy's day more authentically. Until then, we are enjoying the advent adventures from

    You make unit studies look easy!
